How can we manage time during JEE preparation

Applicants frequently think that it's difficult to deal with their group 12 studies for board tests with their JEE preparation. The most widely recognized holdback is the absence of time.
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Powerful time management, subsequently, is the fate of essential significance to support one's preparation. Not exclusively will it assist applicants with dispensing prudent time for the study of the multitude of subjects (particularly Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics), it will likewise assist them with dealing with their studies for school tests productively.
Using time effectively can be separated into 2 sections - one is relevant for the period of the preparation for the test and the other is using time effectively during the actual test.
While preparing for JEE test:
1. Set up a schedule of significant Concepts
Jot down significant concepts dependent on Previous Years' Question Paper investigation and the ones which you think are hard or need consideration.
2. Make an investigation outline and follow it strictly
Make a powerful, proficient, and thoroughly examined Study Plan, according to your qualities and shortcomings.
3. Make little notes for the last minute revision
Make little notes for the last-minute revision to save time. You can likewise take the assistance of Revision notes, Video lectures, eBooks, and Books for the modification of significant points.