The study materials are prepared after thorough research and analysis by our dedicated Academic Team. The syllabi of various subjects are addressed in an efficient and easy to understand manner. With an aim to simplify the learning process, the contents of the study materials are provided in the form of questions and corresponding answers. Our study materials also include significant points and summaries of each topic, pictures and illustrations and question papers from previous examinations to help students easily understand and memorize the content. To equip students to face various competitive examinations, we provide multiple questions in our study materials. Further, our study materials are revised regularly to accommodate necessary updations.
Momentum Assignments give Momentumites a remarkable edge over others. The students are supposed to try the set of problems given at the end of every topic on their own without the support of the teachers. This happens on a routine basis.
Momentum Assignments ensure that the students concentrate on two of the most important factors necessary to crack the toughest of exams - subject knowledge and a regular practice of the subject with a clear-cut objective of time management and minimizing errors as the studies progress.